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Random Update

The plastic problem has been eye-opening since the very beginning of the project journey. It's truly emphasized the hidden underlying issues caused just by the disposal of plastic and I entered a whole new vision of consumerism, the root of all problems from what I've researched so far.

Below was an attempt at smocking through fused plastic. From my previous attempt at testing the boundaries of just one layer of plastic, I gathered that it was just not enough to support the insertion of a sharp needle. It required durability and strength. My dreadful hand written annotation covers the success of the sample and how the layers of fused plastic supported the production of texture. In terms of presenting in my sketchbook, the smocking sample itself was ever so visually busy for a desperately needed background, therefore it was simply stuck down on the page. My god, it made life so much easier! Writing or any form of text against a blank white page always appeals too boring for me, so selecting watercolours that reflect the colours shown through the sample was my biggest intention. However, I have noticed on many occasions that red watercolour looks too far from a true red; it visually produces more of a diluted pastel pink! :-/

I wanted to keep these brief artist research pages simple for the work to be truly appreciated and bounces off a Pinterest sort of vibe that I like.

The Saatchi gallery was a visit that occurred too later within the project journey, so for me, gaining that original inspiration was not experienced. Yet, I did capture some striking photos of the artist Josh Faught's textile installations. In addition, I felt there was no direct association between his work and the plastic problem theme. Therefore, this was a no go. Needless to say, I absolutely loved his work and he could possibly be one of my current favourite textile artists at the moment. With that said, I wasn't sure whether to continue research on this hence why there is no written information concerning my analysis of Faught's work and background information of the work, especially if it's not relevant.


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